Tuesday, January 8, 2019

New Year: Improve You

Happy 2019 and a 2018 Reflection.

For the last few years I have adopted a one-word intention for the year ahead. My word for 2019 is "Elevate". Before moving upward, I have decided to reflect back on 2018 with a few words: joy, evolve, and growth.
  • Joy: My values are centered in love, freedom, and learning through shared experience. The ability to travel and invest time with my sweetheart of a wife allowed me to observe her spark, excitement, and passion for helping people through functional nutrition and health coaching. She was raised in a foodie household and has a true passion for creating in the kitchen, so it's a natural and perfect fit. We have experienced multiple herbal and nutritional education courses led by Dr. Michael Gaeta and Dr. Annette Schippel to advance our perspective on the effectiveness nature provides in herbs and whole foods on supporting the body's natural functioning. Maddie hold private health coaching sessions with her clients to help create and implementate personalized functional nutritional programs on Mondays and Thursdays. To learn more about Maddie, Wellness Awakened, and services offered, visit her website.
(Above left to right: Dr. Matt Buffan, Dr. Annette Schippel, Maddie Buffan)
  • Evolve: A pillar guiding this evolution has been the Integrative Diagnosis community. This dedicated group of providers, led by Dr. William Brady, continues to push the edge of the musculoskeletal stratosphere. The Integrative Diagnosis certified doctors routinely demonstrate how to provide conservative care for pain and movement dysfunction. The limitations of a provider's sensation and skill with the human hand are overcome with every seminar and intentional repetition. The Integrative Diagnosis system has been meticulously calibrated to maximize treatment efficacy, individual understanding, and appropriate reality matched decision making. This level of service elevates every patient who invests their time and energy into improved physical function. The journey over the last ten years fills my humility and devotion to my quest to provide inspirational healing.
    Integrative Diagnosis Cervical Certified Doctors